Friday, July 27, 2012

Dunedin - Chinese Gardens

I always love a good Chinese garden, I love the moon gates, the way the buildings and the lakes are laid out, and the Koi.

Dunedin was a wonderful example of how a Chinese garden should be - my other favourite is in Sydney :)

What was extra special, after we clambered through the stone waterfall, we could purchase feed for the fish. This just added to the experience and enjoyment of the kids, making the whole visit that much more special.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dunedin - Cadbury Chocolate Factory

Oh my Yummy Yummy Yummy!

The best value tour we went on, so much Chocolate samples, so cheap to buy from the shop, so much too look at and the smell!!

For around $60 for the whole family, we had a fantastic experience. The chocolate drop of around 1 Tonne of liquid chocolate in the silo was both loud and insane.

We were fortunate enough to get a 'double' helping of the melted chocolate sample to taste, along with a variety of chocolate samples through out the tour.

The Golden mountain below are all Crunchie bars... my favourite... enough to make you cry!

How many Cocoa beans would you value yourself at? If a slave is 100...

One of the original cars, purple is such a happy colour :)

Did you know... it takes 6 months for them to make the chocolate for NZ for Easter.... and 2 weeks for it to get eaten! Madness!