Why would we move here?

Aren't we doing this backwards??

We have heard this question a lot already (been here 1 month now) and I am sure we will hear it a lot in the future as well, basically it is for my husband's work. His company is doing very well in Australia and are ready to expand into NZ, they asked Rob to consider this, and so he did and here we are.

He is fairly sure when he first asked me 4 months ago if I'd like to do move here, I said no. I actually can't remember that, but he may be right.

After the initial question was posed and we spent 2 days of much thought, consideration and deliberation. We both came to the same conclusion, if we are meant to come we can't stop it, and if we not meant to come we couldn't force it to happen.

After that initial decision we spent months researching, organizing and coordinating. We wanted the kids in great schools, we wanted a nice house, we wanted to live in a nice part of town... we had also been renovating a house for 6 years, but never quite finished any project, so they all needed completion.

In a period of around 6 weeks I pretty much painted a 2 storey house, every room, and Rob and I did the culling of the household junk, and then we dressed the house with all the finishing touches ready for sale.

We needed to sell a house, and buy a house, we needed to sell 2 cars, and buy new cars, giveaway family pets, find new schools, organise special needs funding for our Autistic boy, as well as medication for the plane trip, pack a house into a shipping container... and then live with my Mum for 2 weeks before coming over. May I say - madness!

So... here we are, evidentally we are meant to be here, and I have to say, so far it's amazing!