Friday, July 8, 2011

Driving in Auckland

We've been here getting close to a year now... and I'm finding myself driving like the locals.

At first I found the right-hand turning rule confusing... but have almost gotten used to that now.

I've had a friend here describe it as having manners for the other person, but I simply found it odd.

We both want to turn into the same street, from opposite directions. The person who is the in the lane closest has to give way to the person in the further lane... In this case, blue car gives way to red car.

So the person who 'can' turn easily, waits for the person who can't turn in as easily... however, if a car is traveling straight through the intersection behind the blue car, then the blue car can go and doesn't have to give way.

No I haven't had an accident... yet, but my brain has taken a long while to switch over.

The other thing I find most odd?
Freeway Driving in Auckland.

On the Freeways around Auckland, the speed is 100km/hour. Most times I am on the freeway, (which are generally 2 lanes) the people in the right lane are going 100, the speed they are allowed to go... and people in the left lane go anywhere from 70km-90km/hour... and sometimes slower.

The road is the same both lanes, the speed is the same, and yet there is a 30km discrepancy... today I found myself doing it as well... left lane, slow down by 20km... I think I may have been here too long ;)


  1. Hi Karen,
    Great tips on driving! My husband, 2 daughters and myself are moving to Auckland in September from the US!
    Thank you for your wonderful blog!

  2. Very welcome! As you can see we are love with the place. Are you moving for work or for lifestyle? My suggestion is to be the tourist yourself for the first while, and take advantage of this amazing land :)


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